Frame and Wheel Bike Valuation Service
The Frame and Wheel Bike Valuation Service provides you with an estimate of the market value of your performance road or mountain bike so that you know how much to ask when selling on a Facebook Group, on a classified website or at a bike swap. Don't risk appearing unrealistic or giving too much away. Obtain a valuation and get your transaction completed!
How we do it
Frame and Wheel has completed thousands of transactions in the secondary bicycle gear market and combines this experience, knowledge and a proprietary data base to work out a break up value of your bicycle. This approach allows us to originate a valuation that reflects unique upgrades such as power meters, race wheels or rare components and gives you a solid starting point for your transaction.
Who is it for
The service is for those of you who are selling a performance bike (road, mountain, fat or otherwise), a bike that was expensive when you purchased it or something exceedingly rare and classic (vintage steel road bikes). The service is not for low value bikes, but feel free to ask anyway. We will be able to help I am sure.
How it works
Getting a valuation is quick and easy. Contact us and let us tell us more about the bike you are selling and send us as many images of the bikes as you can. The better your images, the easier it is going to be for us to provide a valuation and the more accurate it will be. At a minimum, take a drive side image and non drive side image and then zero in on details from there. The cost is $150 per bike. We will send to you a valuation of your bike with in 24 hours that you can use to get your deal done. If you decide to retain Frame and Wheel to sell your bike for you after obtaining the valuation, we will credit the cost of the valuation to your Payout.
The Frame and Wheel Bike Valuation Service provides you with an estimate of the market value of your performance road or mountain bike so that you know how much to ask when selling on a Facebook Group, on a classified website or at a bike swap. Don't risk appearing unrealistic or giving too much away. Obtain a valuation and get your transaction completed!
How we do it
Frame and Wheel has completed thousands of transactions in the secondary bicycle gear market and combines this experience, knowledge and a proprietary data base to work out a break up value of your bicycle. This approach allows us to originate a valuation that reflects unique upgrades such as power meters, race wheels or rare components and gives you a solid starting point for your transaction.
Who is it for
The service is for those of you who are selling a performance bike (road, mountain, fat or otherwise), a bike that was expensive when you purchased it or something exceedingly rare and classic (vintage steel road bikes). The service is not for low value bikes, but feel free to ask anyway. We will be able to help I am sure.
How it works
Getting a valuation is quick and easy. Contact us and let us tell us more about the bike you are selling and send us as many images of the bikes as you can. The better your images, the easier it is going to be for us to provide a valuation and the more accurate it will be. At a minimum, take a drive side image and non drive side image and then zero in on details from there. The cost is $150 per bike. We will send to you a valuation of your bike with in 24 hours that you can use to get your deal done. If you decide to retain Frame and Wheel to sell your bike for you after obtaining the valuation, we will credit the cost of the valuation to your Payout.