Great work Fred. You make this easy!
- Ryan
Fred has sold several bikes for us and I am very happy with his service. So much easier than trying to do it yourself. He will just pick the bikes up and take them away. You will get a check in the mail. It is super easy.
- Deke
Great work Fred. You make this easy!
- Ryan
Fred has sold several bikes for us and I am very happy with his service. So much easier than trying to do it yourself. He will just pick the bikes up and take them away. You will get a check in the mail. It is super easy.
- Deke
- Quick shipping. Product in better shape than the pictures appeared. Very fair price. Thank you.
- Great product quick shipping
- Quick shipment and Item as described. Thank you!
- Accurately described & quickly shipped. 5 star transaction.
- A++ item arrived with great shipping. A++ item
- Excellent transaction & item. Don't hesitate to buy from this seller!
- Great seller, item as described, fast shipping
- Perfect, thanks!
- Great deal !
- Excellent seller! Very fast turnaround
- great product and fast shipment!
- Excellent seller, fast shipping.
- Great communication. A pleasure to do business with.
- Good XTR Rear Derailleur. Seller excellent A++++
- Very well packed. thanks for the extra nipple btw lol
- Nice used bicycle wheels as described.
- Great jacket as described!! Bright and bold!! Great to do business with!! Hope to do business again!!
- Item as described and shipped very fast.
- Very nice!!!
- Great seller & even better product got in just a few days...
- HED Jet Disc CycleOps Powertap G3 carbon tubular Shimano 10 speed rim QR rear (#234190564790)
- Awesome, highly recommended, quick delivery, and sick price A++++++++++ thank you!!!